Its not new topic to us but the industry is moving toward CMOS technology from CCD for various reasons. Traditionally, CCD sensors create higher quality, lower noise images and provide higher sensitivity. CCDs use a more mature manufacturing process than CMOS and tend to have higher quality and more pixels. But still, CMOS sensors have their benefits: CMOS traditionally consumes lower-power; they’re less expensive because they’re cheaper to manufacture; and smear and bloom aren’t an issue with CMOS devices.
Market trends show that the latest CMOS technology is actually superior to CCD technology. This comes through the following important properties of today’s CMOS sensors:
- Very good price/performance ratio
- High speeds (high frame rates)
- High resolution (number of pixels)
- Low power consumption
- Improved noise characteristics
- Good quantum efficiency
- Improved color concepts
Modern versions of these sensors offer higher resolutions, vastly improved noise characteristics and enhanced quantum efficiency. Recognizing this solid progress, Basler long ago integrated CMOS sensors technology into a broad range of its cameras. Take a look wide range of Basler cameras we offer