Qualitas completes successful install in Russia

By November 19, 2016January 24th, 2022About Qualitas
Qualitas in Russia

Qualitas is pleased to announce another international installation, this time in the beautiful Russian Federation. Situated in the Moscow region, LG Electronics Russia contracted Qualitas to install it’s cutting-edge Outgoing Quality Control System using the state of the art Machine Vision Software and Quality Workflow engine.

Installation at LG Russia

Qualitas completes it’s maiden installation at Russia

The system replaces a manual process of quality inspection of refrigerators by using a combination of automation visual checking of parts, scanning and matching of barcodes as well as manual entry of expected  parameters to be matched against a known set of attributes. The advantage is a paperless system which is efficient and streamlined and allows for simplified workflow and traceability.  With this Qualitas is expanding its footprint as a global player in the Automated Visual Inspection market.


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