We are proud to announce that we are adding one more new product to our portfolio which is exclusively used for test and measurement applications. Our equipment has built around robust motion control where it can replicate human gesture for like “Single/double tap”,”Swipe”,”Press” etc. These tasks are very essential to test touch devices like “Smart mobile phones”,”Tablets”,”Touch screens”,”Laptops” etc for its functionality during production. Some of our customers also using this equipment for testing prototype devices.
For instance to make sure there are no new hardware compatibility issues, touch screen response,sensor readout etc and all relevant parameters can be tested. A phone can be built well, and have fast internals, but if the touch screen is of poor quality, the experience will be damaged. This is of special concern with Android. Many manufacturers use different hardware with different capabilities. Consumer also have to worry about defects that can adversely affect the image quality of the screen. It’s also possible for a high quality touch screen to be defective when you take it out of the box. There are a few easy things you can do to make sure your touch screen is detecting your interactions correctly before product goes out of factory.
Parameters like “Pattern to check for cross talk” and “sensitivity and multi touch testing” are key things to be tested for touch devices.
Thanks to our engineering team for bringing this machine with superior features at unbeatable price.
Tech specifications:
- Support test devices upto 900 sq mm with test jig size of 1sq m
- Support upto four devices for testing simultaneously
- Speed of testing ~ 500mm/sec
- Touch stylus positional accuracy ~ 500 microns
- Supports many array of motions
- Replicate human gestures – Single tap, double tap,swipe,press,flick,pan etc
- System can draw standard shapes – Circle,rectangle,triangle etc
- Salient features – Remote testing through server protocol, data logging and reporting
These product is turnkey solutions can be used anywhere where “Human touch vs visual inspection” needed. Some of testing examples are
- Automotive touch panel or infotainment testing
- Kitchen or home appliances testing – Washing machine feather touch button testing vs LED display or Induction stove feather touch button vs LCD display
- Mobile phone,tablet,ATM machines,Digital signage testing etc
- Electronics hardware testing supporting touch devices
Will be happy to hear from you, if you have questions or queries that suits your inspection needs.