3D machine vision is an emerging technology that delivers accurate, real-time information to improve performance in applications. There are different ways to implement 3D machine vision:
- Using an active light source to provide distance information.
- Passive techniques rely on the camera’s data and work much like the depth perception of the human visual system.
Some of the most common challenges that can be overcome by using 3D vision are:
- Differentiating flaws or distortions from discoloration or color irregularity
- Detecting the depth of flaws or distortion level
- Performing pass/fail judgment based on capacity or volume
- Inspecting the profile of solder or welding
Such inspections are difficult to perform from 2D images, so judgment in most of these cases depends on the human eye. Inspection using 3D images can solve these problems.
2D images are captured from one direction. They can be used to find defects on the surface of parts/products through shade adjustment with image enhance filters.
Related Case Studies. Adding height information to a 2D image makes a 3D image. Including the XYZ coordinate information makes it possible to obtain information about not just height, but also volume and area.
At Qualitas, we specialize in providing machine vision solutions using 3d inspection techniques.
To know more about our solution,
Please read our case study
- VIN OCR Inspection
- Picking/Placement for Cylinders